At Hoteliers.Guru

We are very proud of our logo and feel it reflects the character of our company perfectly – positive, approachable, and accessible. So, where did our logo originate from? A tradition in several parts of South East Asia is the performance of the ‘Lion Dance’, which features a dancing lion leading a procession through the streets and accompanied by people playing instruments in time to the dance ritual.

The dance is generally followed by onlookers as all around them the noise of firecrackers going off is deafening and said to scare off any evil spirits that might be around.

In most Lion Dances there is a character called ‘The Laughing Buddha’ or otherwise known as Datou Fo, which means ‘Big Head’! His responsibility is to lead the lion and entertain the crowd with his funny actions. He is an essential part of the dance and this is where we found our unique logo.

About Hoteliers.Guru

Leading hospitality specialists and strategic internet marketing consultants providing turnkey web-based solutions and digital services for hotels with premium website development, SEO and cost-effective direct online distribution Channel Manager for the modern hoteliers.